Chapter Fourteen:

Purely Platonic?


          Marium walked out into the altar room where Jonah and Cadillac stood, with a group of kimono clad young women. They seemed to be discussing something. As she started to sneak up behind them, Marium felt a cool breath being blown on her neck from someone behind her. “Is there something of interest here, Marium?”

          “ACK!” the priestess jumped away from the voice before she realized who’s it was. Her hand flew to her heart, and she tried to steady her breaths. “Dear God, you’re just as bad about spying on people as Altaire is, mage!”

          With a mock smile, Faede spread his hands in good humor. “I wouldn’t know anything about that, now would I? How are you feeling, about everything?”

          Marium thought for a second she’d sensed a hint of emotion in Faede’s voice. She smiled, and shrugged. “Well… what you did was pretty despicable… but since I don’t know what your motivation was for tricking me… I can’t pass judgment on you. Can I request a simple favor of you though?”

          “What is it?”

          Marium swerved toward Jonah and Cadillac before answering. “In the future… I’d appreciate it if you’d tell me the whole story before tricking me into something, okay?”

          Faede found himself grinning at the priestess in acknowledgement, and Marium noted the sharpness of his canine teeth. They were like tiny fangs of a snake! Blushing, Marium joined the conversation Jonah and Cadillac were having with the women. “Uh… hello…”
          “OH, is she the REAL Priestess of Yin? How amazing! She’s so young!”

          “And short!”

          “And boyish!”

          “And… unfashionable!” the ladies all exclaimed, individually dealing blows to Marium’s self esteem. She tried her hardest not to start a fight with the strangely dressed women. They were guests in her temple, after all…

          “… The women on your world remind me of something we had back home called snobs…” she muttered to Cadillac, who sent her an apologetic look. The ladies bowed in humbleness. “Um… did I miss something?”

          “We are your virgins! Couldn’t you tell?”

          “DACK!” Marium collapsed on the ground, dazed and bewildered. The girls, Cadillac, Jonah, and Faede all stood over her, a look of concern and confusion written on their faces. “… Someone please explain why I need virgins…”

          Cadillac sighed, and Jonah chuckled with laughter. Faede reached down to help Marium back onto her feet. “You need them to take care of the temple while we’re away.”

          A look of suspicion rose to Marium’s face. “How much do they work for? Cuz I don’t have any what’re they called… bits, on me right now.”

          Horrified, the virgins gasped and eyed Marium with disbelieving eyes. She scratched her head, then shrugged. “Did I say something bad?”

          Cadillac’s patience was wearing dangerously thin, and Jonah beamed at Marium, nervously. “Money represents evil to virgins… they’ll just be happy to serve the High Priestess…”

          “Yadda yadda…” Faede interrupted the big, muscular weaponsmith. “We’ve got a quest to get started on, and we’re wasting precious time!”

          “Calm down, Faede. Jonah is just trying to help me understand…” Marium began, but Faede slipped his ponytail over his shoulder and walked away. “Fine then! NYAH!”

          Marium stretched the edges of her mouth away and stuck her tongue out at the dark haired mage in training. He shook his head disapprovingly, and went to sit on a wooden chair next to the altar door.

          The young priestess felt two hands grip her shoulders, and then whirl her around. “!?”

          Altaire stared into her eyes, and she could hear what he was thinking. “Will you forget our promise because of this?”

          Marium’s heart felt a dull, suppressed pang at this. It was like a memory from childhood, trying to resurface. She remembered Altaire holding her… protecting her from everything that would wish to harm her… but she couldn’t remember the feeling that she had felt so vividly before. To save her and Altaire the embarrassment of the tie effects, Cadillac rushed forward into them. “Oh, look at the time! Jonah and I have finished giving the virgins a run around of the temple, so we should be off then!”

          Marium smiled at the short guru and turned to the group of virgins. “Take good care of the temple!”

          “Yin’s blessing be with you, Priestess!” they called out, making Marium giggle. She walked toward the door and exited the Temple of Six Elemental Dragons Yin.


          Since the Jinjus had devoured all the horses and other transportable animals in and around the temple’s stables, the five misfit adventurers had to walk. The nearest town, Cadillac explained, was Burmingham… also known as Thief’s Paradise or Traveler’s Terror. It looked like a rundown ghetto town to Marium.

          “Wow… you have an L.A. on your world too!” she yelled, dashing into the streets. She just loved big cities… but she didn’t know how much danger she was in.

          “Marium! Don’t run off like that!” Cadillac scolded her, as he snatched her hand. She was peeking down a dark alley, curiously wondering if it was safe to go in. Then she saw a well hidden doorway, surrounded by dark shadows to make it seem like part of the wall.

          “Look what I found, you guys!” she hollered slipping away from Cadillac’s grasp and venturing further into the dark alley.

          “Marium, stop!” that voice belonged to Jonah. Marium smiled back at her friends, and waved.

          She didn’t see the two shadowy figures approach her from behind until it was too late. Two pairs of hands grabbed her by the arms and waist, and started to haul her down the alley. “HEY! Let me go, ya freaks! What do you think you’re doing?!”

          Marium tried to move her arms to grab her sword, but the strong hands held her in an iron grip. She tried to get one hand free to cast a spell, but her kidnappers just squeezed her and tightened their grip. Suddenly a third figure appeared from behind the two.

          “May I ask what you are planning to do with that girl?” the voice was chilly, cold as solid ice. Marium could barely tell who’s it was.


          “Don’t worry, Marium. I can handle alley trash like this.” He stated, the iciness in his voice letting up for a moment as he addressed her. He raised his hands in front of him and closed his eyes. “Larips Sreggad.”

          Two giant stalagmites erupted from the ground below the men’s feet. Marium heard the men’s screams as they were impaled on the spikes. She stumbled back, finally free from their grip, but at what cost? “… Faede…”

          “It had to be done. You don’t understand what they would have done to you if I hadn’t been able to teleport over here so quickly.” Faede said, shakily. Marium stumbled over the corpses and gazed at Faede. He was very visibly shaken… to what extent did the blood tie manipulate feelings? Or was it just a tie, and the rest was real?

          “Oh, I’m sorry to have worried you, Faede. Let’s go find the others, they’re probably wondering why I disappeared so quickly.” She started off in the direction she’d been pulled away from. She heard Faede’s disrupted breathing, and stopped. “Thank you, Faede. You saved me from something terrible. I owe you my life.”

          “I… don’t want your life. I just want to protect it.” He said, feebly. Marium felt Faede’s strength fall away, and moved to his side. She wrapped her arms around his waist and supported him as they stumbled back to the others.

          “Let’s make this be my thank you, okay?” Marium asked as she helped him walk without tripping. His head lolled on his shoulders, but he managed to look up at her. Her face was set in determination. On his well being. He reached a hand up and touched her cheek, making her glance down at him. She smiled reassuringly.

          “Don’t… worry, Faede. You’re in… good hands now.” She huffed, and struggled to readjust his body so that she could support it with less burden. Suddenly someone grabbed Marium by the shirt and tugged. She gasped and raised her free hand to her lips, chanting. “Tsunami Crash down!”

          “MARIUM!!!! GURGLE!!” it was Cadillac’s voice as he was drenched with a tidal wave. Jonah was swept backward in the current, and Altaire leaned against a wall so as not to fall over. Marium’s cheeks blazed pink.

          “Oops. Can never be too safe, ya know? Hehe!” Marium giggled, clinging to the exhausted sorcerer apprentice in nervousness. Faede managed to stand on his own feet, and looked up at the wet guru.

          “A rat!” he exclaimed pointing at the squirrel tailed mage. Cadillac turned red from anger and snatched Marium’s hand.

          “You ran off and almost got yourself killed again, Marium! What have you to say for yourself?!” Cadillac demanded, fully enraged at her irresponsibility.

          “Um…” she said, twirling a strand of her hair. “Sorry?”

          “You’re soooo.. soo… foolish!!!” Cadillac cried, stalking out of the alley. Jonah was helping Faede to his feet, then just stopped trying and lifted the young man up into his arms.

          “I don’t think we’re going to be able to get much done with Faede in this condition.” Jonah stated. “And seeing as though we’ve got an obligation to keep him with us, we’d better just get a room at the inn nearby and have him rest.”

          Cadillac sighed in aggravation, but nodded. Altaire walked beside Marium on the way to the inn, to keep an eye on her.


          Later that day, the group of travelers sat, gathered around the bed that was occupied by Faede. “Faede?? C’mon Faede…”

          Cadillac shook his head. “No good. He lost consciousness right after we found you two, and hasn’t regained himself since.”

          “What do you think could be the cause?”

          This isn’t just ordinary exhaust. And if it were, he’d have had to go way over his power limit.

          Marium told the occupants of the room what Altaire had been thinking. “But he said he only teleported to me, then did the one spell to save me.”

          “Which spell was that, Marium?” Cadillac inquired, trying to figure out why the young apprentice was so wiped out.

          “He said Larips Sreggad.” Marium said, blankly. “Then spikes shot out of the ground, and… impaled the guys.”

          Cadillac closed his eyes. The spiral daggers spell didn’t take much energy at all. It was as if Faede had been conserving his magic, not wasting it. “That just complicates things.”

          “Well, if that spell didn’t take much energy… then what if Faede had been conducting another spell while he cast that one? Like… a barrier, or some type of defensive spell to protect me from the daggers?” Marium questioned, not quite sure. Cadillac gave it a thought, then shook his head again.

          “No. All defensive spells are light based. They don’t take up much energy at all. Less than the dagger spell, even.” Cadillac stated, then glanced at the young man on the bed. Faede groaned in pain and recoiled in his sleep. Marium saw how pale his cheeks were… how much pain he seemed to be going through. The sharp, immediate pain that entered her heart was almost unbearable. In an impulse to ease the pain, Marium found herself kneeling beside the bed, dabbing at Faede’s forehead with the cool, wet cloth Jonah had brought in earlier.

          “Altaire, would your healing spell help him?” she asked, concerned. After a brief hesitation, Altaire gestured a negative.

          “It’s… only for wounds. And destroying shadow creatures.” He managed, sending Marium back into deep thought. She continued to pat the pale forehead with the cloth, gently. Faede’s eyes opened a slit, and he reached up to grasp Marium’s hand.

          “He’s awake, you guys.” Marium said, quietly. They glanced at him, surprised. His lips moved, as if trying to speak. Then, he grimaced in pain, and fell back into unconsciousness. “Hey, could he have some kind of illness or allergy?”

          Cadillac scraped his brain for any kind of sickness Faede’d had when he was a child. They he shrugged. “It could be, but I don’t know. I haven’t ever really asked.”

          Marium couldn’t stand seeing him in the state he was in currently anymore. Abruptly, she stood up and dipped the cloth in water, rang it out, and placed it on Faede’s forehead ever so lovingly. “I’m gonna go scout this place for a doctor or something. I’ll be back soon, hopefully. You guys watch Faede… just incase he decides to go into a seizure.”

          Marium started to walk toward the door, but Altaire moved into her way. “I shall go with you.”

          Quietly, Marium shook her head. “I can’t take any of you with me, what if something comes up and Faede needs you for some reason?”

          “Marium, I for one would feel safer about this if Altaire accompanied you to look for a physician. It would be better.” Jonah spoke up, making Cadillac nod his head in agreement. Marium sighed, then nodded too.

          “Alright. C’mon Altaire, hope you know your way around this city, cuz I sure don’t!” she exclaimed, exiting the room with Altaire in tow.


          Marium hurried around the city, determined to find a sign that gave an indication of any kind of doctor. She was beginning to get discouraged, when out of the blue, she spotted a big, wooden door ornament that had a design with a big, red cross.

“WOWWIE! There’s a Red Cross on this world too! How wicked!”

          She grabbed Altaire’s hand from inside his flowing cloak and pulled him along as fast as her feet could carry her. Despite his body not being made to move so fast, and his reluctance to help Faede get better, Altaire found himself enjoying this time alone with Marium.

          Marium, I wanted to talk to you earlier, before Cadillac bumped into us. There was no response of any kind from Marium. It was as if she hadn’t even heard his thought. A shiver of fear crept into Altaire’s body. Marium, can you hear me?? Marium??! MARIUM! STOP RUNNING!!!

          Marium finally stopped moving, and glanced at Altaire. “Why are you being so quiet, Altaire? I can barely hear you!!!”

          Altaire figured out right there what was going on. The blood oath Marium had with Faede was destroying the deep bond Altaire shared with the priestess. He knew Faede would somehow disrupt the balance…

          Distraught and feeling brutally betrayed, Altaire pulled his hand out of Marium’s grip. You go inside. I’ll wait out here.

          Marium had to concentrate hard to understand what he’d said. She finally nodded. “Okay, I hope whatever Faede has isn’t contagious, it looks like you might be getting it yourself!”

          She smiled and dashed inside the doctor’s shop.

          Is this how it is to be? Is Faede the best man for you, Marium? After all, we are so different…Opposites, truly without a doubt… Yin and Yang, but I thought, no I hoped, that we were right for each other. No one else can understand… is that how Faede feels, too? Altaire frowned, deciding that he would find a way to overcome this.

          Marium came out, towing a shaken, scared man along by his collar. “Altaire! He won’t come see Faede! Make him understand that it’s important!!!”

          Altaire sighed, then turned to the doctor. “Hello. I am Altaire Zephyr. Our traveling companion is ill, we need you.”

          “A-Altaire Zephyr?! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize I was being called by the great High Priest Yang!” the physician bowed, humbly, and hurried in the direction Altaire walked off toward. Marium frowned, maddened by the so called doctor’s attitude toward his work.

          “If I wasn’t the High Priestess Yin I’d give him a whole chunk of my mind right now!” she grumbled, then heard Altaire call for her.

          “Are you going to join us, Marium?”

          “Oh! Wait up!” Marium dashed off toward the distant figures, but was stopped when two, burly looking men stepped infront of her, grinning dirty faces at her. “Uh…TSUNAMI- Hey!!!”

          The men threw some foul smelling potion at her feet, making it crash apart. The fumes violated her nostrils, and sent her mind into a numb state. She couldn’t remember the words for her spell! “A-Alt-Altaire! Help-!”

          “Shut up!” the bigger sailor smacked a beefy hand across Marium’s face, sending her reeling back from the impact, and blinking away tears from the stinging pain. A dribble of blood escaped a corner of her lips. The other man snatched Marium’s arms and pinned them behind her back.

          The big one grabbed her shirt, making her jerk back instinctively. She ignored the shocking pain in her mouth to call for help again. “HELP! ALTAIRE!!! CADILLAC!!! FAAAAEEEEDDDDEEE!!!”

          But no one came. She began to sob, wishing someone would help. Marium remembered Cadillac’s words of reprimand earlier. He told her not to leave their side. There were evil minded people out there… and they would hurt her without regretting it. She tried in vain to recall a spell, any spell, but her mind was numb still.

          The hairy rapists laughed, a hoarse, raspy laugh, devoid of the usual warmth her friends’ had. They hauled her over to a vacant, shadowy alley, but there was someone there. It was a young man, and he glanced up at all the ruckus. “Please, mister, these men… help me!”

          The guy stood and swayed on his feet. Oh, he’s gonna help me! Thank you, goddess! The sailors that held Marium in their dirty, abrasive clutches, looked at the man. He was obviously intoxicated beyond hope. “Please… don’t let them do this!”

          When Marium finally managed to call these words out to him, his footing steadied, and his eyes shone with the light of sanity. He glared at the rapists in utter disgust. “Let the girl go, or so help me… I’ll beat the crap out of you morons.”

          The men chuckled and one of them moved his hand up from its spot on Marium’s waist. It inched toward her chest, and would have found its intentional goal, if not for a single, wooden arrow. It went through the rapist’s hand, but didn’t even nick Marium. The man let out a scream that rang in Marium’s ears even after it stopped, and he let her go. She saw the severity of his wound, and noticed with an odd vagueness, that there was a small, rectangular strip of paper attached to the end of the shaft.

          Suddenly, the first rapist’s accomplice cried out in surprise, he too had been hit with a warded arrow! Marium gazed at the men in dull shock.

          The young man that had seemed too drunk to speak only moments before, was setting his bow back across his shoulder. He pressed his two index fingers together and closed his eyes. “Yin’s might and power be mine! Bestow punishment to these wicked ones that wish to harm an innocent girl! Cross wave!”

          Two waves of blue energy slashed into the wounded men, knocking them unconscious immediately. The two wards shined with a bluish light and enveloped the rapists. They were paralyzed!

          “Th-thank you… Oh…” Marium was cut off in mid sentence. She felt her knees gave way, and her balance fall away.

          “Whoa, hey, you’re that girl that I saw come out of the inn earlier! You’re staying there, then?” he asked, lifting her into his arms, supportively. Marium managed to nod, then threw her arms around his neck to help him carry her. “Oh, you’re welcome. It’s not everyday I get the chance to save a beautiful girl from the bad guys.”

          Marium was too far gone to acknowledge the complement. The young man grunted, then readjusted her weight in his arms. “Well, I’d love to just stay like this all day, but I’m sure I’ll realize that I’m still drunk sooner or later, then I won’t be able to carry you to the inn. So, here we go.”


          Altaire walked through the door with the little doctor following him. “We found a doctor.”

          The doctor began to examine the pale, bedridden young man. Suddenly, Jonah and Cadillac noticed Marium wasn’t with Altaire. “Uh, Altaire, where’s Marium?”

          The High Priest turned and looked behind himself. Marium wasn’t there any longer! “I thought it was getting quiet.”

          “Well, where is she?! Oh no, what if she’s in trouble! I’ve gotta go find her!” Cadillac jumped up and made for the door. It swung open, and in stepped the blonde, tall young man that had saved Marium. He glanced around quickly, spotted the bed Faede was lying on, and placed Marium down next to him. The doctor looked up from examining the apprentice, and gasped at the sight of the man.

          “Hey, you really should watch where you’re going next time, precious. You’re a real treasure, and we should keep you away from those kinda guys.” With a wink at Marium, who smiled, thankfully, and unthinkingly snuggled into the bed with Faede, tired as a dog.

          Cadillac glanced up at the man, shocked. Marium’s left cheek had a bruise from the blow the bad men had dealt to her, and Altaire, stunned into even more silence than usual, rushed to her side to heal it.

          “You… Marium, I told you to stay by me! How irresponsible…”

          “Okay, I understand, Altaire! I know how irresponsible I am, but I couldn’t prevent what happened!!! Why do you expect so much from me?! I’m just a regular girl, dammit, there’s more to me than that stupid title!!!” Marium suddenly exploded, jarring her injury. “Ow…”

          She clutched her cheek, tears glistening in her eyes. Faede groaned and rolled over, his hand raised to his own cheek, as if imitating Marium’s own pain. His eyes flew open, and he saw the bruise on her cheek. “For the love of Yin, stop yelling. It’s hurting your injury too much.”

          Cadillac watched as Altaire’s face grew ashen from the admonishment Marium had given him. His hands reached out, touched her bruise, hesitantly, and triggered his healing spell. Light sparkles entered Marium’s skin, mingled with it, and then dispersed. Then Altaire rose to his feet and retreated to a quiet corner to rest.

          “Well, there’s nothing more I can do here. I have a feeling I’ll be meeting you later on down the road, precious.” Marium’s savior said, reaching for the doorknob. Marium jumped up, fully healed, at least from the bruise on her mouth. She could feel the pain Faede was undergoing, though, but she pushed it out of her mind.

          “Wait! You didn’t even tell me your name!” Marium exclaimed, then blushed. “I’m Marium Tomo, thank you for helping me. You were great! You could aim that well, even though you were drunk.”

          His grin was almost blinding, and Marium felt a tingling sensation in her stomach, but her heart didn’t respond. It was cold… “Ah, it was nothing. Besides, it wasn’t my aiming. Whenever I go out on a drinking binge I take my enchanted bow with me, incase I run into trouble.”

          “Well, no matter… what were those papers attached to the shafts? They held an enormous amount of energy!” her admiration for him was obvious. He shrugged, humbly.

          “Yeah, well, it’s just a little trick I picked up on the road… during my travels, ya know?” he said, then was silent in thought. “Oh, here’s a potion to counter the curse-vapors they placed on you. You won’t be able to use your spells until you use this. And if you wanna go out in the town again, remember your weapon, okay Precious?”

          Marium blushed, and nodded. “Thanks again!”

          “I’ll be off then. I wanna hit the bar once more before I head back toward my hometown…” he was halfway out the door when Marium reminded him she still didn’t know his name. “Oh, it’s Elrick. Call me Rick, or something.”

          “Sure, Ricky!” she exclaimed without thinking about it. He laughed, heartily as he left the inn.

          “Seeya precious Marium!”

          The priestess turned back to the occupants in the room, only to receive flat eyed stares. They couldn’t believe her attitude toward almost complete strangers. Then Faede grimaced, and fell back against his bed. His breathing was raspy, and forced, practically stopped. Marium placed her hand on the wall, to steady herself. The same dark, horrendous waves of nausea that had overcome Faede moments before, were threatening her own well being.

          Cadillac helped her back onto the bed, and she collapsed next to Faede. The doctor finished his job, and made everyone leave the room so that the two ill people could rest. Altaire reluctantly agreed, as did the other two men, and they went out to speak with the physician.


          “So, what’s wrong with him, Doctor?” Jonah asked, concerned. Cadillac listened intently, waiting for the diagnosis.

          “The pale boy is under tremendous stress. I noticed a high concentration of magical energy within him, so high, infact that it is a threat to his health. Perhaps to his life.”

          Cadillac covered his mouth, grief stricken. “Please, explain to us the details. Don’t leave out a thing.”


          Inside the room, Marium turned to face Faede on the bed. He was staring up at the ceiling, absorbed in thought, trying to ignore the pain, the unbearable pain that he’d always hidden. He knew it was destroying him from the inside out. There was nothing he knew of, no cure in sight.

          “Are you going to die, Faede?” the quivering, delicate voice from beside him asked. When he didn’t answer, two hands reached up and got a hold of his shirt, then forced him to look into two eyes. The irises he gazed at were reddish brown, bright, even in the face of the pain she was sharing through the bond. “Please answer me.”

          “Pssh, leave me alone, Marium. I’m busy trying to ignore the pain, and you’re interrupting me.” He stated, then averted his eyes. They lay in silence for a moment, then an extremely sharp ache violated their chests, rendering any control they had over their bodies useless.

          Marium’s hands clutched tightly to their place on Faede’s shirt, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. She pressed herself against him in an impulse, resting her forehead next to his chest. He held her firmly in his arms, trying not to scream like a hurt child. The ache subsided, but didn’t entirely disappear. Marium’s body shook in the aftershock. Slowly, as if struggling with an inner demon, Faede placed his hand on Marium’s head, and ran it over her silky, red hair.

          “That one hurt a little bit more than the rest.” She whispered, voice choked. Faede cupped his hand around her chin and gently forced her not to look away.

          “I am sorry, Marium. For everything. And I’m not done putting you through pain.” He stated, embracing her, warmly. Despite the iciness his voice had acquired over the years, the warmth Marium felt within the protective circle of his arms was beyond compare. Not even Altaire made her feel this whole, this safe…

          “… I won’t have you die, Faede.”

          Surprised at the sudden, purposefulness that radiated from Marium, Faede felt his surprise transform into a warm feeling. It sprouted from the blizzard of hateful emotions in his heart, but it was very different from them. It was beautiful, and made him feel… strange inside. “That’s out of our hands.”

          “No!” Marium sat up, stiffened with resolve. “Don’t start thinking like Altaire! You make your own future! It is in you hands! It’s in our hands…”

          Faede took her hands in his and brought her back down to the bed, because he couldn’t gather enough strength to sit up. “Marium, my future has been in other people’s hands for as long as I can remember…”

          “Then take it back from them!” she snapped, passionately. She hated the idea of not having a choice! “I’ll be there, by your side, when you do, Faede. Just take it back from your father and from the sorcerer’s guild. Make your own destiny, choose the next path.”

          Faede tenderly kissed her lips, pushing past all the pain and anguish of his past. How would he tell her about that part of his life? How could she know the dark silence he was surrounded in every single day, being forced to do something he didn’t want to do, something that hurt. Learning the dark magic was a trying situation for a child, but he was one of the few that mastered it, which is why he had this terrible, soul eating disease today…

          An image flashed in Marium’s mind as she and Faede held the kiss. It was a terrible, eerie image of a little boy with long, black hair and strangely familiar little fang-like canine teeth, running, in a darkened forest from something. Or maybe it was nothing, but Marium couldn’t tell. She could tell how scared the boy was. He couldn’t be caught, no matter what. He couldn’t go back, the punishment would be severe… his father would kill him.

          “F-Faede…?” she pushed him back, but held onto him as well. “What is this… one of your memories? You were so scared… so alone!”

          Then the pain came like a thunder bolt, and robbed her of her senses. All she knew was the endless darkness, and Faede’s arms.